"ANALOG_LS_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_l][/format]" "ANALOG_RS_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_r][/format]" "BTN_A_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_cross][/format]" "BTN_A_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_B_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_circle][/format]" "BTN_B_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_BACK_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_select][/format]" "BTN_BACK_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_BLACK_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_r1][/format]" "BTN_BLACK_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_LTHUMB_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_l3][/format]" "BTN_LTHUMB_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_LTRIGGER_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_l2][/format]" "BTN_LTRIGGER_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_RTHUMB_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_r3][/format]" "BTN_RTHUMB_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_RTRIGGER_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_r2][/format]" "BTN_RTRIGGER_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_START_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_start][/format]" "BTN_START_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_WHITE_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_l1][/format]" "BTN_WHITE_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_X_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_square][/format]" "BTN_X_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "BTN_Y_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_triangle][/format]" "BTN_Y_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "CELL_CHEAT_ACTIVIATE_DIALOG_BODY": "[format][color:#edc300FF]{0}[/format] {1}Using cheats prevents you from earning trophies and autosaves are disabled. Would you still like to activate this cheat?" "CHAT_DISABLED": "Online chat features have been disabled due to your account's parental control restrictions." "COMMUNITY_BLURB_HEADER": "Join the Saints Row Community at SaintsRow.com" "COMMUNITY_CREATE_LINK_TEXT": "Here you can create a new THQ ID or link your Online ID to an existing one." "COMMUNITY_ERROR_PLATFORM_ID_IN_USE": "The PlayStation[image:registered]Network account you're using is already linked to a THQ ID." "COMMUNITY_ERROR_PLATFORM_ID_MISMATCH": "The PlayStation[image:registered]Network account you're using is linked to a different THQ ID." "COMMUNITY_ERROR_PLATFORM_ID_NOT_LINKED": "Your PlayStation[image:registered]Network account is not linked with a THQ ID." "COMMUNITY_EXISTING_FOUND_TEXT": "We found a THQ ID associated with your Online ID. Please login to your existing account." "COMMUNITY_SITE_BLURB": "Upload your first character to earn a trophy. Browse characters online and play with them in game. Participate in challenges to earn in-game content. Track community activity on the real-time community map and view your own personalized map. Receive community-only deals on Saints Row merchandise and game content." "COMMUNITY_SUCCESS_LINK_EXT": "Your current Online ID was successfully linked to your THQ ID." "CONTROL_L_STICK": "LEFT STICK" "CONTROL_R_STICK": "RIGHT STICK" "COOP_JOIN_CHEAT": "Your co-op partner is using cheats. Any new save games created will have cheats enabled. Autosaving has been disabled and you will not be able to earn any more trophies." "COOP_REMOTE_CHEAT_STARTING": "Your co-op partner is using cheats. Any new save games created will have cheats enabled. Autosaving has been disabled and you will not be able to earn any more trophies." "CTRL_DISCONNECT_TITLE": "CONTROLLER DISCONNECTED" "DPAD_DOWN_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_dpad_d][/format]" "DPAD_DOWN_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "DPAD_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_dpad_n][/format]" "DPAD_LEFT_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_dpad_l][/format]" "DPAD_LEFT_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "DPAD_LR_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_dpad_lr][/format]" "DPAD_LR_TXT": "THE D-PAD LEFT & RIGHT" "DPAD_RIGHT_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_dpad_r][/format]" "DPAD_RIGHT_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "DPAD_TXT": "THE D-PAD" "DPAD_UP_IMG": "[format][scale:0.9][color:full_bright][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_dpad_u][/format]" "DPAD_UP_TXT": "THE A BUTTON" "GAME_PROFILE_SAVING": "Saving Profile. Please do not turn off your system." "HUD_DROP_ITEM_MESSAGE": "DROP %ls" "HUD_DUAL_WIELD_MESSAGE": "DUAL WIELD %ls" "HUD_HOLD_DPADUP_PARTY_DISMISS": "DISMISS PARTY" "HUD_PICK_UP_MESSAGE": "PICK UP %ls" "HUD_PICKUP_HAVOK_WEAPON_MESSAGE": "PICK UP %ls" "HUD_PICKUP_UNNAMED_OBJECT": "PICK UP" "HUD_REPLACE_BLANK_WITH_BLANK_DUAL_WIELD_MESSAGE": "SWAP DUAL WIELD %ls WITH DUAL WIELD %ls" "HUD_REPLACE_BLANK_WITH_BLANK_MESSAGE": "SWAP %ls WITH %ls" "MAIN_MENU_MATCHMAKING_FAIL": "Matchmaking was unable to find any connectable games." "MAIN_MENU_PRIVILEGE_DENIED": "Online service is disabled on your account due to parental control restrictions." "MAINMENU_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SERVICE": "You have been disconnected from Online." "MAINMENU_LOGIN_CHANGE_EXPOSITION": "A sign-in change has occurred. You have been returned to the title screen." "MAINMENU_NEW_GAME_NO_PROFILE_LOG_IN_NOW": "You are not currently signed in with a profile. Would you like to sign in?" "MAINMENU_NEW_GAME_NO_SPACE_EXPOSITION": "The HDD does not have the %dKB of space available needed for a new save. If you continue you will not be allowed to save a new game. Continue?" "MAINMENU_ONLINE_GAME": "ONLINE" "MAINMENU_SYSLINK": "LAN PLAY" "MAINMENU_SYSLINK_TITLE": "LAN" "MENU_CONTROLS_STICK": "LEFT STICK ACCEL/BRAKE" "MP_NO_MULT_PLAYERS": "Multiple players per system is not supported." "MPPreGame": "IN MULTIPLAYER PRE-GAME LOBBY" "MULTI_GAMETYPE_1": "LAN PLAY" "MULTI_LOBBY_TITLE_SYSLINK": "LAN PARTY LOBBY" "MULTI_LOST_CONNECTION": "A network error has occurred. Returning to the Main Menu." "MULTI_MATCHMAKING": "MATCHMAKING" "MULTI_MENU_SYSLINK": "LAN PLAY" "MULTI_MENU_SYSLINK_SEARCHING_TEXT": "SEARCHING FOR LAN PARTY GAMES..." "MULTI_MENU_SYSLINK_SIGN_IN_FULL": "You must be signed in to a profile to use LAN play." "MUST_LOG_IN_CONFIRM": "You must be signed in to the PlayStation[image:registered]Network to access this feature. Sign in now?" "NOT_LOGGED_IN": "You must be signed in to the PlayStation[image:registered]Network to access this feature." "OPT_CONTROL_OVERRIDE_FEEDBACK_TEXT": "You must enable the vibration option in the Personal Settings of your profile." "PLT_MENU_VIEW_GAMERCARD": "VIEW PLAYER PROFILE" "PLT_MENU_VIEW_PARTNER_GAMERCARD": "VIEW PLAYER PROFILE" "PLT_PRESENCE_BASICSP": "Playing %ls" "PLT_PRESENCE_COOP": "Co-op" "PLT_PRESENCE_IN_MAIN_MENU": "In Main Menu" "PLT_PRESENCE_SINGLE_PLAYER": "Single Player" "PLT_PRESENCE_SPACTIVITY": "Playing %ls, Activity: %ls" "PLT_PRESENCE_SPMISSION": "Playing %ls, Mission: %ls" "PLT_PRESENCE_SPSTRONGHOLD": "Playing %ls, Stronghold: %ls" "PLT_PRESENCE_WHOREDMODE_GAMEPLAY": "Playing %ls, Whored Mode: %ls" "PLT_PRESENCE_WHOREDMODE_MENU": "Playing %ls, Whored Mode" "PLT_PRESS_START": "PRESS [format][scale:1.4][image:ui_ctrl_ps3_btn_start][/format]" "PS3_AUTOSAVE_WARNING": "Saints Row automatically saves your user profile throughout game play and after saving. Please do not switch off the power when the HDD access indicator is flashing." "PS3_BAD_PROFILE": "Your User Profile has been corrupted. Please wait while the corrupt files are rewritten." "PS3_CACHE_WARNING": "Don't turn off the system while caching. If you do, your PS3 may explode. Think Vinegar Volcano in an eight grade science fair..." "PS3_DISC_ERROR": "Game disc error. Check game disc and restart. Error: 0x%08x" "PS3_DISK_EJECT": "Please reinsert the Saints Row Disc." "PS3_FREE_HDD_SPACE": "There is not enough available space in the HDD. To create data, at least %d MB more space is required. Exit the game and obtain the necessary space." "PS3_FRIEND_IN_WHORED_MODE": "Whored Mode" "PS3_HDD_ERROR": "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data. Error : 0x%08x" "PS3_HDD_WARNING": "This game saves data automatically at certain points. Do not switch power off when the HDD access indicator is flashing." "PS3_INVITE_TEXT": "You have been invited to a game." "PS3_INVITE_TEXT_CONFIRM": "%s has invited you to a game. Press {PAUSE_MENU_IMG} to accept." "PS3_NO_SPACE_MANAGE_MEMORY": "MANAGE SAVE DATA" "PS3_NO_SPACE_START_ANYWAY": "CONTINUE WITHOUT SAVING" "PS3_NO_SPACE_TO_AUTOSAVE": "Your HDD is out of space for save games. If you continue without managing your system memory you will be unable to save a new game." "PS3_NO_SPACE_TO_SAVE_NEW_GAME": "INSUFFICIENT SPACE ON HDD TO SAVE A NEW GAME" "PS3_SAVE_SELECTION_MANAGE_MEMORY": "MANAGE SAVE DATA" "SAVE_WARNING_BOOT": "When the following appears do not turn off your system." "SAVELOAD_CANNOT_SAVE_TO_FULL_DEVICE": "The current device is full. Please delete content to make space available." "SAVELOAD_FILE_NOT_OWNED": "Unable to load data by another user. You must start a new game or load a different saved game." "SAVELOAD_IMPORT_LOADING": "Importing content. Please don't turn off your system." "SAVELOAD_LOADING_MESSAGE_EXPOSITION": "Loading content. Please don't turn off your system." "SAVELOAD_LOG_IN_CONFIRM_EXPOSITION": "You will lose all progress if you sign in with a profile." "SAVELOAD_SAVE_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE_FULL": "The Save Process has failed because the default HDD is no longer available." "SAVELOAD_SAVE_GAME_DEVICE_FULL_EXPOSITION": "There is not enough free space on the HDD to complete the Save process." "SAVELOAD_SAVING_MESSAGE_EXPOSITION": "Saving content. Please don't turn off your system." "SAVING_CONTENT_BODY": "Please do not turn off your system." "SAVING_CONTENT_TITLE": "Saving content." "SIGN_IN_AUTOSAVE_PROMPT": "This game uses an auto save feature. In order to save, you must be signed into a profile." "START_GAME_OUT_OF_SAVE_SLOTS_TEXT": "You are out of save slots. In order to save you will need to save over a previous save slot ." "STATS_CORRUPT_BODY": "Your stats were damaged and must be reset." "STATS_CORRUPT_TITLE": "DAMAGED PROFILE STATS" "SYSTEM_LOGGING_IN": "Signing In, Please Wait..." "SYSTEM_LOGIN": "SIGN IN" "SYSTEM_LOGIN_ERROR": "The system could not sign you in." "TUT_TITLE_PS3_SIXAXIS": "[color:yellow]MOTION SENSOR CONTROL" "USER_CONTENT_PRIV_DENIED": "Unable to access this content due to parental control restrictions on your account"